Untapped Potential Podcast
In this podcast, we dive deep into the nuances of living and dealing with a BFRB (body focused repetitive behavior) and how to UNTAP your potential in healing from one.
This podcast is brought to you by Raffaela Marie, a Dermatillomania Coach who knows from personal experience what it's like to struggle with a BFRB. On her quest to heal herself, she dove down the rabbit hole into human psychology and behaviour so that she could take this knowledge and experience and help others to heal as she did.
In a nutshell, she found what it takes to heal and it's not as impossible as most people think it is! Now she's sharing all her tips, strategies, and invaluable insights with the world on this podcast.
Untapped Potential Podcast
21: How your relationships might be perpetuating your BFRB
This is a deep, raw episode about how unhealthy and toxic dynamics within our relationships can make recovery from a BFRB* impossible...
Unless we're willing to do what it takes to empower ourselves to change and build healthy connections within ourselves and those around us!
Raffaela shares a very personal story about her own relationship and how this played are large role in her recovery from chronic skin picking.
Feel grounded, inspired, and deeply moved by this powerful eposide.
*BFRB: Body Focused Repetetive Behaviour